ACMPE: The American College of Medical Practice Executives

To echo the words of The College “It’s within your reach.”

Certified Medical Practice Executive (CMPE) is one of our profession’s most respected credentials. CMPE certified practice administrators can earn 10% to 40% more than non-certified managers (depending group size and location) when compared to non-CMPE certified practice administrators. Obtaining certification alone won't account for the increase in wages; the commitment to continuing education and increased networking opportunities when combined with the credentials of certification add value and competency to your personal management portfolio.

Once you've achieved your CMPE -- Fellowship is your next step! 

Click Here to get started TODAY!

 Enjoy this quick video about ACMPE:


AKMGMA Career Center

AKMGMA Members may submit postings at no charge to our Career Center.  Please submit your ad to [email protected] and a member of our team will publish your ad.  AKMGMA reserves the right to review and suggest edits as we deem appropriate.